Changes in the Workplace in 2022
· Heading into 2022, talent scarcity is one of the key lenses through which we will see the entire world of work. This will lead to wage inflation, bottlenecks, remote work scaling, more distributed teams and even quicken automation in several industries.
· Mental Health Impact of the Pandemic will lead to Labor Shortages. With pandemic fatigue and coping with remote work, people are re-orientating their professional priorities at work as well. This includes a dissatisfaction with leadership, outdated in-office pressure and more power of choice for the job seeke. With digital transformation improving productivity, some smarter organizations can afford to prioritize the mental health nd life-work balance of their employees without a reduction in productivity. This is leading to more 4-day work week pilots. Best Immigration Consultants in Delhi
· With rising subscription type ecosystems around audio and writing, the Creator economy could accelerate and create more indie jobs for young digital natives.
· Pandemic lockdowns and supply-chain issues has also lead to more automation in the workplace, a budding RPA industry and more robotics automation systems. In the office, that gradually leads to more AI-human hybrid work where A.I. is helping more with our repetitive tasks and making our jobs easier.
· Hybrid and AI-Human Augmented Work will Create More Tiers and Verticals for the new jobseekers to fit in. The use of A.I. in the office and hybrid work that combines remote work with in-office work will create more tiers within organizations, between a spectrum of privilege and less flexibility. This will create many ethical, legal and functional issues for HR departments, management and leadership.
· As the future of work evolves, there’s also an increasing credibility problem for C-level executives, management and leadership policies. You might say this is an leadership transparency and accountability crisis. Dozens of companies have PR issues due to poor behavior from male leaders often involving sexual misconduct, bullying or inappropriate behavior.
· In an era of unprecedented inclusion, diversity and challenges for remote organizations, soft skills are seen as a deal breaker when workers have equal skills and resumes. You can argue that soft skills, once referred to as “power skills,” were important prior to the pandemic. But the need to build relationships virtually and work with reduced oversight has made soft skills in the workplace even more important.
· In 2022 as inflation is more persistent and labor-shortages and talent wars intensifies organizations must rapidly adjust with workplace benefits, signing bonuses and wage increases that make sense to and with the new normal. The future of work is dynamic and includes the various changes in society simultaneously.
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